Monday, December 1, 2008

Mental Health Nursing

We are now living in a world where people seem to have an open mind about almost anything. But, why is it that, at some point, certain individuals still find it easier to talk about and accept a person being physically ill than someone who has mental health problems? There could be many reasons behind that life-size question mark on your forehead. To some extent, this could be the result of the impossibility of putting a clear distinction between mental health and illness.

At some point in our lives, we may have experienced episodes of stress, anxiety, anger, depression and any other mental health condition, because those are what make us human. In other words, these mental problems are as common as cough and colds. But, if any of those conditions becomes overwhelming, hard to control, or has been recurring for quite some time, it’s the time that you seek professional help. If you let your condition pass by without getting immediate attention and care, it could lead to a more serious problem, not to mention that it gets in the way of your daily activities.

This is where mental health nursing steps in. Mental health nursing is a very challenging job, I must say. The nurses working in a mental health institutions, whether in a hospital or in a community, show great care for people with mental health condition, assisting patients to overcome their unwell condition or to come to terms with it so that they can continue to live their lives as normal as possible.

Mental health nursing is the kind of profession in which the nurses are likely to be dealing with people from all walks of life with different backgrounds. As their experience broadened and careers develop, they have a choice to specialize in any areas like alcohol and drugs, research, education, or management positions. But the important challenges for mental health nurses are to use their skills and personal strengths in order to help patients come to terms with their problems. Have you noticed that sometimes you tend to feel more comfortable sharing your concerns with nurses than with physicians? That is exactly why mental health nursing exist – fill in the gap between the physician and the patient!

nother challenge that a mental health nurse has to face is to identify if and when a patient may be at risk of harming themselves or other people. Therefore, one of the most important skills that mental health nurses have to learn is recognizing any build-up tension in a patient and resolving it as quickly as possible. What a challenging career mental health nursing indeed! Not a very enticing job, but definitely very rewarding. You must be a people person with great care to people with mental illness to be able to do the job of a mental health nurse.

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